Should we trust the internet?

ForumShould we trust the internet?
Dr R. Hajji personnel il y a 4 années
Internet and social media have become the main source of information for patients and healthcare providers. It is dominating the other sources of medical information (face to face education, magazine…). Should we trust the internet? How to get the correct information? The answer to this question is challenging for both patients and physicians. Internet and social media could be useful for patients to get simple information: booking an appointment and searching for a hospital or a clinic location. But, more complicated details about the disease, its treatment, and its prognosis seems to be less credible. The main source of these data is “anyone connected to the internet”, so it could not be a trustable source of information. It depends dramatically on the level of knowledge of the author, his experience and his point of view which are almost subjective. To clarify this, try to get a diagnosis of disease from the internet by using symptoms as keywords, you will find hundreds of causes from mild to serious disorders: but which one is the most probable to be yours? It is almost impossible for you to know. This makes you anxious and puts you in a dilemma. Having all these diagnoses in your head, you go to your physician to ask for advice and to get the treatment, you could disturb the diagnosis strategy and therapy and you could impede the normal physician work. It is so important to consult your physician at the time and ask him for detailed information and the possible trusted sources. The patient’s associations and the official websites could be helpful for you to get the necessary details about your disease. No internet source could replace the face to face information from your physician. Could the internet be a trusted source of information for physicians? It always depends on the source of information. Peer-reviewed journals with randomized controlled trials that are not funded by laboratories nor written by authors with known conflict of interest could be worthy of the clinicians’ confidence. Evidence-based medicine is now more accessible via the internet. The physicians should be always up to date to get the correct knowledge that they need.  In conclusion, the internet and social media could be a suitable source of information when they are used correctly.      
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Best Answer
Dr R. Hajji personnel répondue il y a 4 années
Internet as any other source of information should be assessed as credible or no before any use. Fake news and false information could have a large and fast impact on the receiver as internet are available in any house and any phone. Websites and authors should check the veracity of any information they provide to the public. They should assume their responsibilities and respect their mission.