How to choose your doctor?

ForumHow to choose your doctor?
Dr R. Hajji Staff 4 years ago

A physician is always a man of confidence with who we discuss our physical complains, our social problems and our individual fears.

It is crucial to know the best physician for us. It is often personal experience. It differs from one patient to another and from one physician to another. That’s why the doctor I found excellent is not always judged as he is by my friend.
As any human connection, our relation with our physician is very complex: it depends on both patient and doctor.
It is frequently not question of knowledge but of behavior and attitude. The physician who listens carefully to his patient, discuss with him, explain to him all the details of the disease and the treatments is always the most appreciated one. Not only drugs are able to cure the disease but also good conversation and mutual discussion with a person in distress could be helpful.

Respect, empathy, and care are always excellent tools to communicate with patients and understand their complaints. Patients should follow the physician’s recommendations and advice as no one of them could succeed without the involvement of the other. The cure or the remission of the disease is the achievement of the patient, his family, and his physician.

Patients should know that nothing in the world could be better than the recognition of the physicians’ effort by the patients.

Dr R. Hajji Staff replied 4 years ago

Thanks Dr Hasnaoui.
New ideas are welcome.

Hasnaoui AnisHasnaoui Anis Staff replied 4 years ago

I certainly approve with your point of view Dr Hajji. I appreciate these subjects that you posted in the forum.

3 Answers
Best Answer
Dr R. Hajji Staff answered 4 years ago
Thanks Dr Hasnaoui. Any suggestion and idea is welcome.
Dr R. Hajji Staff answered 4 years ago
Another problem is appearing in Tunisia is where to find a physician and how to access to healthcare: New serious issue in a country that was proud of a good healthcare system.
Dr R. Hajji Staff answered 4 years ago
Another problem is appearing in Tunisia is where to find a physician and how to access to healthcare: New serious issue in a country that was proud of a good healthcare system.
Hasnaoui AnisHasnaoui Anis Staff replied 4 years ago

So true my dear friend 🙁